What do you do when a friend is hurting...? When their whole life seems to be falling apart and you don't have all or any of the details...? No answers to who... Where... What... How... When... or why... You have no idea how to proceed, how to advise... They are too far away to just take them in your arms and hold them close and hope some simple kindness and the touch of another person- a friend, someone with their best interests at heart- will ease some of their angst... Stress eats at their soul... Odd behavior from friends devours their heart and last shreds of sanity... What do you do? Poetic words have no effect. Brutal honesty does nothing. Reassurance and logical advice- hardly make a scratch in their spiraling world... Nothing makes sense... Any logical answers don't fit into place. Everything is inside out and backwards... Nothing makes sense...
It is their role to find their own way in life... To find their destiny... But a friendly person to walk beside and keep you company- should never be turned away... How can you be that friendly person- and walk that tightrope- that fine line- alongside the person- all whilst blindfolded? Scared to death to lean too far one way or the other- as you might fall- causing that friend of yours to topple from their rope... Terrified to cause them anymore pain and suffering...
What, oh what, do you do...?