One of my friends posed a question on one of the popular social networking sites... And it really got me thinking...
"What is love?"
A simple question- you would think. But as I was formulating my answer, the answer becomes so complex, I realize I may never be able to actually answer- coherently, anyways...
So, my attempt at answering such an innocent, yet profound question is as follows...
Love cannot be described in a word, nor a single sentence. In fact- I could try a lifetime to try to describe it, and never fully be able to convey the depth and meaning of this tiny little four letter word.
Love is a feeling, an action, and ideal...
It is visible in the amount of energy and zest with which we approach life, the way we interact with our family and friends, and even complete strangers.
Love is demonstrated in our willingness to care about what is going on in the world around us, our willingness to become involved in each others lives, our willingness to take control of our own life.
Love is caring, wanting, respecting, honoring, trusting. Feeling safe... Seeing a special treasure in what you have (whether physical, theoretical or emotionally)... Innocence... It is the ability to just let go. To be at peace...
Whether you are relating to a thing, a place, an idea, or another person- love is all of these things combined and ever so much more... Love is unexplicable... Love- is completely amazing, complex, and uncomparable to anything in this world...