Thursday, October 30, 2008

Moods and fun...

Crazy tired (been staying up too late chatting with friends online and sleeping horribly), sore (back/hip's bothering me AGAIN) and daydreams of my comfy bed running through my head- I head over to Tammy's house last night (and did I mention I was well over half hour late, because we were busy at work?) to carve pumpkins with Bobbie... I promised... Not that I would give that type of experience up for the world- I love the kid to death and beyond, but it was just one of those days where I could have easily begged off, headed home and gone to sleep... But, I PROMISED...

After being left at the front door, and attacked by the dog, for several minutes while those inside tried to decide if they were going to let me in or not~ another set of thoughts tried to prompt me to walk out to my car to just head home, I walked into the house~ and was greeted by several of my favorite people in the whole world... My mood brightens a bit...

I tell everyone "Hi" and head down the hall to change into more comfortable clothes~ carving pumpkins in slacks and a "dressy" top just didn't appeal to me. I hear a squeal and turn to see Miss Krista~ arms in the air~ coming at me... I pick her up, give her a quick squeeze, and kisses on the cheek~ and prepare for her to squirm to get down... Only she doesn't. She actually let me hold and cuddle with her for several minutes~ a first... And my mood brightens a bit more...

Finally get a moment to change~ feels good to be wearing something comfortable~ open the door and the baby is wanting up again... Must be my day! She never wants me to hold her like this... Mood brightens a bit more...

Bobbie and Daniel start making a haunted castle... I finally take a minute to sit down and eat~ everyone else has already enjoyed their pizza~ like I said, was rather late arriving... Chit chatting with Tammy and Robert... Krista watching BobBob... Hearing Bobbie's laughter as she's plotting and designing her castle...

Pumpkins are ready to be carved... A tradition in my family, at my house to say the least... Am almost 30, and still carve a pumpkin every year~ at least one~ usually two. And as the years go by, the more and more intricate they get. This is why I couldn't beg off the evening... I want to share the fun I have with someone else...

Pumpkins are chosen... Knives are wielded... Tops come off the pumkins~ along with a chunk of Daniel's hand... Tammy attends to the wound while Bobbie and I start scooping pumpkin guts... Gooey, slimy, and totally fun... (at least to me- twisted, I know)

Bobbie is having fun with the scooping of pumpkin guts, so I let her be for a bit... Krista in the meantime is using Robert as a jungle gym... And I am having fun tormenting Tammy... Apparently she is a bit ticklish... And an easy target...

All is great~ and then~ Robert asks for help...

The baby just puked all over him~ and herself... He has to go change... Tammy takes the baby to go change her~ but nearly pukes because of the smell... I have just been scolded for the last 20 minutes to sit down and relax, because I was having shooting pain in my back/hip~ BUT I hear Tammy nearly puking again...

I get to the bathroom, grab the kid, and push Tammy out before she makes me ill... Gotta give her a bath... She really doesn't smell too pleasant... I try leaning over the side of the tub to get to her~ it just isn't very practical... So, in I climb... Krista looks up at me like I've lost my damned mind... Little does she know what little sanity I ever possesed has long since disappeared...

I kneel down in the tub~ to try to get the stench out of her hair, and this is like the coolest thing ever to her... She is giggling a mile a minute... A different bath~time buddy... So, I get washin' on her hair, ask (shout at) Tammy for a cup (she's in the other room)... Then I hear uncontrollable laughter... Look up to see Tammy laughing so hard she is nearly peeing herself...

Camera is going off rather rapidly~ once Tammy can breathe again, of course... She, for some reason, thinks this is the funniest thing she has ever seen... She apparently hasn't ever had any good aunts/friends/relatives do this with her kids when needed... So even though I don't understand why she finds this so funny, I don't give her a hard time... I just roll my eyes at her...

Krista is having way too much fun in the bath~ so I give up trying to wash her fast, and let her have some fun with the cup and water... I am already drenched~ what difference is another cupful of water or five going to do to me? So I make myself comfortable...

An hour or so later~ I finally pass Krista off to Tammy and climb out of the tub~ soaked from shoulder to toes... Wet jeans are soooo not a fun thing to wear... Nor are wet T-shirts, despite how certain people feel about them... I peel off my wet clothing and change into something dry~ a good thing I brought clothing with me~ although, originally meant for an entirely different purpose... Oh well, she had fun... And her laughter made it all well worth it...

Pumpkins have been finished in the meantime... Totally awesome looking... And from the look on Bobbie's face~ she had fun... The whole point...

It's the kids bedtimes or later... Off to dreamland they go... Chit chat for awhile longer with Tammy and Daniel... Take Daniel home... And make the long drive home... My mood has definetly improved, kept my promise and had fun, although it is now the wee hours of the morning... So much for trying to get to sleep at a decent time... Well, perhaps tomorrow night... Maybe?


mom of 2 wonderful brats said...

1. you could have gone home (although I am glad you didn't)
2. We really need to get you a Key
3. It was the funniest thing in the world to see you fully clothed and in the tub with my little one need to relax more, and not worry about me puking, I would have cleaned it up, I'm a mom it's what we do
5. Your the best friend in the world!

Pentathalos said...

I can't believe you don't like wet T-shirts. You've obviously never seen me in one, I look awesome. Well, more awesome than usual :P

I like how they invited us over, then let us take care of the kids all night. You in the bath with Krista & me chopping off fingers to please Bobbie.

Bobbie did keep bringing me ammo to throw at you & Tammy. So, I think I must have done something right.

mom of 2 wonderful brats said...

damn...he figured out my plan...