Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I'm blogging, now will you quit bugging me???

Boring is defined as: so lacking in interest as to cause mental weariness...

Which- if I take the literal meaning of the word- describes my life. There are a few that would like to highly disagree with me~ but when I~ the person who actually lives this life~ am so drained because of dull repetition contained within~ one can hardly convince me otherwise...

But, seeing as I am an extreme example of a people pleaser~ I will continue to blog~ about random, uninteresting events that happen in my life... Unless someone requests a rant on some unrelated topic- in which case I will be more than happy to oblige...

1 comment:

mom of 2 wonderful brats said...

YAY!!! I am one of the people who don't belive you, so I am happy that your "dull, unintresting" life is going to be blogged about....bout damn time!!!