Sunday, November 9, 2008

To wed...

To wed means to marry, or take a spouse in a public ceremony... But it also means to bind by close or lasting ties...

Lasting ties... Until death do you part... How much more lasting can one get... Such finality and commitment in the simple words spoken by the old preacher... I looked down the aisle at my friend~ looking into her intended's eyes~ and he into hers... Over fifty pairs of eyes were carefully, yet excitedly, watching this young couple take vows before all of us~ and God~ to be each other's everything~ their best friend, their partner in life, a companion, their lover... And with a smile on their faces they each agreed to be the other's everything... Clear, concise voices~ no wavering in thought or resolve...

A commitment to last a lifetime (yes~ a lifetime)~ through good times and bad... And knowing everything they have conquered so far in their time together~ they will stand the test of time if they only remember and honor those vows... And they each have every person that attended their wedding pulling for them... Ready to remind them of what their vows meant...
The preacher spoke of how the wedding ring was a symbol~ of unbroken promises for the future, of never ending love, hope and commitment...

And within his words I found a fracture of truth... If you are willing to take the time... To make the effort... To be your loved one's best friend~ to learn what it truly takes to assume that position, what makes them tic, simple things that can make them smile; to support them, loyalty... To be their partner~ to stand beside~ not in front or behind~ but beside them through whatever challenges they may face~ as a united front~ no matter how fractured they may feel inside... To be a companion~ to laugh and share experiences with~ to give a part of yourself to them... And to be their lover~ to share all the most intimate details of one's being with; physically and emotionally~ to trust... To be one another's everything... That alone leads to unending love, undying commitment, and unyielding hope that make a relationship~ a marriage~ strong and everlasting...

So simple... Nothing difficult about how to be successful in this endeavor... A million little pieces all made up into one complexly simple arrangement... Marriage... Does it usually last~ I am not so far out of touch from reality that I would say yes- it usually does... But this world that we live in has bred a bunch of quitters~ those that see something as hard~ and they turn their backs and take the easy way out...

But... As I watched these two throughout the night~ it occurred to me how much they were to each other... They were each other's everything. I only hope they can see that~ today, tomorrow, and always... Through the good times and the not so good... And remember the fracture of truth the preacher spoke of on the day they wed~ the day they publicly decreed that they would be each other's everything~ the love, commitment and everything that came with it, passed to and shared with, one another... To never give~up or give in...

The kind of love displayed by these two, and everyone that celebrated with them, gives me hope... For ever brighter tomorrows...

Congrats A&B... Wishing you a lifetime of being each other's everything... Making fond memories to bind the two of you ever closer together... And may that ring~ with so many deeply set meanings, never fracture...

1 comment:

mom of 2 wonderful brats said... made me want to cry, then go hug Robert, then cry some more....